Northumberland Next: Official Plan Update
We are updating the Northumberland County Official Plan to guide growth and development in Northumberland over the next 30 years. These updates align with Provincial legislation that requires municipalities to review and update their Official Plan every few years.
Current Provincial forecasts indicate that the population for Northumberland County will grow to 122,000 people and 44,000 jobs by the year 2051. As part of the Official Plan update, we will be reviewing the maps and policies in the current Official Plan, and will undertake a series of amendments to update the Plan to ensure that the County and its member municipalities are prepared for the forecasted growth.
About Northumberland Next
Our vision: To manage growth for a complete and thriving Northumberland over the next 30 years.
The public engagement objectives for Northumberland Next are to:
- Inform residents of the process for updating the Northumberland County Official Plan
- Gather public input on land use planning priorities for Northumberland County as we plan for future growth and development
- Gather resident and stakeholder feedback about topics for review in the County's Official Plan
Consultation launched in the fall of 2018 with public meetings about the first amendment planned as part of this process: the Natural Heritage System amendment. On October 28, 2020, the County hosted a virtual public meeting to provide an overview of the overall Northumberland Next process.
Topics under review
Coming soon
- Affordable housing policies
The updated Official Plan is being developed in consultation with the local area municipalities and community partners, and through consultation with the public, including public meetings and online input through Join In Northumberland. Opportunities for public engagement are ongoing.
Projects in progress
- Agricultural mapping
- We hosted open houses in June and July 2022 to review the proposed mapping and policy updates and to gather input from the community. This amendment is still in progress. For more information, visit our Agricultural Mapping page.
Currently, we are seeking feedback on:
- Growth Management
- The project team has consolidated feedback from the first two rounds of consultation and will be hosting additional consultations in May and June 2024 to gather feedback on the proposed changes. For more information about these consultations, visit our Growth Management page.
Stay in the loop
- Join our email distribution list for updates about the project and opportunities to provide your feedback. Click 'subscribe' under the 'Stay Informed' box.
- Attend our upcoming consultations for more information and to provide your feedback on the topics for review.
We are updating the Northumberland County Official Plan to guide growth and development in Northumberland over the next 30 years. These updates align with Provincial legislation that requires municipalities to review and update their Official Plan every few years.
Current Provincial forecasts indicate that the population for Northumberland County will grow to 122,000 people and 44,000 jobs by the year 2051. As part of the Official Plan update, we will be reviewing the maps and policies in the current Official Plan, and will undertake a series of amendments to update the Plan to ensure that the County and its member municipalities are prepared for the forecasted growth.
About Northumberland Next
Our vision: To manage growth for a complete and thriving Northumberland over the next 30 years.
The public engagement objectives for Northumberland Next are to:
- Inform residents of the process for updating the Northumberland County Official Plan
- Gather public input on land use planning priorities for Northumberland County as we plan for future growth and development
- Gather resident and stakeholder feedback about topics for review in the County's Official Plan
Consultation launched in the fall of 2018 with public meetings about the first amendment planned as part of this process: the Natural Heritage System amendment. On October 28, 2020, the County hosted a virtual public meeting to provide an overview of the overall Northumberland Next process.
Topics under review
Coming soon
- Affordable housing policies
The updated Official Plan is being developed in consultation with the local area municipalities and community partners, and through consultation with the public, including public meetings and online input through Join In Northumberland. Opportunities for public engagement are ongoing.
Projects in progress
- Agricultural mapping
- We hosted open houses in June and July 2022 to review the proposed mapping and policy updates and to gather input from the community. This amendment is still in progress. For more information, visit our Agricultural Mapping page.
Currently, we are seeking feedback on:
- Growth Management
- The project team has consolidated feedback from the first two rounds of consultation and will be hosting additional consultations in May and June 2024 to gather feedback on the proposed changes. For more information about these consultations, visit our Growth Management page.
Stay in the loop
- Join our email distribution list for updates about the project and opportunities to provide your feedback. Click 'subscribe' under the 'Stay Informed' box.
- Attend our upcoming consultations for more information and to provide your feedback on the topics for review.
Growth Management (Seeking feedback)
Share Growth Management (Seeking feedback) on Facebook Share Growth Management (Seeking feedback) on Twitter Share Growth Management (Seeking feedback) on Linkedin Email Growth Management (Seeking feedback) linkNorthumberland County is currently reviewing and updating maps and policies related to long-term growth and land needs in Northumberland County’s Official Plan. Share your feedback as we prepare for future growth in our community.
What is Growth Management?
Current Provincial forecasts indicate that by the year 2051, Northumberland's population will grow to approximately 122,000 people and the workforce will grow to approximately 44,000 jobs.
To ensure our community is prepared for this future growth, we are reviewing maps and policies related to long-term growth and land needs in Northumberland County’s Official Plan. This amendment process will help us assess how new development will be planned, phased, and accommodated to the year 2051.
This process is required to bring the County’s Official Plan into conformity with the Growth Plan, 2019 (as amended), as well as to reflect current provincial policy direction and the County’s strategic initiatives.
The Growth Management Amendment will result in updates to the Northumberland County Official Plan policies, including:
- Long-term population, housing and employment forecasts to 2051
- Allocations of population, housing and employment by Urban and Rural Area, as well as by planning policy area
- An analysis of urban Community Area land needs (to accommodate residential and population-related employment)
- An analysis of urban Employment Area land needs (to accommodate industrial type employment)
- A review and analysis of Employment Area conversion requests
Public consultation process
In December 2021, Northumberland County launched the public consultation process for the Growth Management Amendment with a virtual presentation of our Growth Management Report and an online public review and comment period, which is currently ongoing.
In spring 2022, we hosted a virtual open house and public meeting to provide additional information and opportunities for public feedback.
2024 updates
With the consolidated feedback from the first two rounds of consultation, the project team has prepared updated mapping and reports, available in the Documents tab for review and feedback until July 12, 2024. The updated mapping and reports reflect:
- Proposed expansions to the Port Hope Urban Area to accommodate new employment and residential uses
- Proposed expansions to the Grafton and Codrington Rural Settlement Areas for residential development.
Community members are also invited to attend one of two upcoming consultations in May and June 2024 to learn more, ask questions and provide feedback.
Join In the conversation
- Review documents online:
- Executive summary of the Growth Management report
- Draft Official Plan Growth Management Amendment
- Growth Management Strategy / Land Needs Analysis Council Report
- Review updated Growth Management mapping in the Documents tab
- For a copy of the full draft Growth Management report or for supporting reports related to the proposed expansions to the Codrington Rural Settlement Area and Port Hope Urban Area, please submit a request through our Northumberland Next Report Request Form.
Attend our Open House on Thursday, May 23 from 4 to 7 p.m.
- Where: Main Boardroom at 600 William Street, Cobourg
- Event agenda: Two 15-minute presentations at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., followed by Q&As
Attend our Public Meeting on Wednesday, June 5 at 1:00 p.m.
- When: Economic Development, Tourism, Land Use Planning Committee Meeting
- Where: Council Chambers at 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg
- Event agenda: 15-minute presentations, followed by Q&A
Attend our Open House on Thursday, June 13 from 4 to 7 p.m.
- Where: Town Park Recreation Centre at 62 McCaul Street, Port Hope
- Event agenda: Two 15-minute presentations at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., followed by Q&As
- Share your feedback with our Land Use Planning team by emailing
Project timelines
December 2021 - Virtual public meeting
- Introduced the growth management amendment during a presentation of a Growth Management Report to the Northumberland County Economic Development, Tourism and Land Use Planning Committee meeting that took place on December 1, 2021. To watch this recording, please submit a request for the December 1st meeting link to our Request Form.
- Launched online review process of our Growth Management Report and Needs Analysis.
April/May 2022
- Virtual open house and public meeting regarding updates to growth management mapping and policies in the County Official Plan.
Next steps
Fall 2024
- Complete final report
- Present recommendation for Growth Management mapping and policies to Northumberland County Council for adoption in September 2024
- Submit the amendment to the Province for approval and implementation
News updates
Supporting documents
- Growth Management Report Executive Summary
- Growth Management Draft Official Plan Amendment (Revised April 24, 2024)
- Growth Management Strategy / Land Needs Analysis Council Report - December 1, 2021
- To view the proposed Growth Management Amendment mapping (Schedules X1 - X30), visit the Documents tab on the project page
- For a copy of the full draft Growth Management report or for supporting reports related to the proposed expansions to the Codrington Rural Settlement Area and Port Hope Urban Area, please submit a request through our Northumberland Next Report Request Form.
Agricultural mapping (Current consultation)
Share Agricultural mapping (Current consultation) on Facebook Share Agricultural mapping (Current consultation) on Twitter Share Agricultural mapping (Current consultation) on Linkedin Email Agricultural mapping (Current consultation) linkNorthumberland County is currently reviewing and updating maps and policies related to agricultural land in Northumberland County’s Official Plan. Share your feedback as we protect and preserve Northumberland's thriving agricultural landscape.
Public consultation process
In June and July of 2022, Northumberland County will be launching the consultation process for the agricultural mapping amendment with in-person open houses across the County and an online public review and comment period.
Each open house session will include two 15-minute presentations at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. about the proposed agriculture mapping and policy updates to the Official Plan, which will be followed up a Q&A period:
- Campbellford - June 27th, 4-7 p.m.
- Colborne - June 29th, 4-7 p.m.
- Port Hope - July 14, 4-7 p.m
Join In the conversation
- Attend one of our in-person open houses in Campbellford, Colborne or Port Hope for a 15-minute presentation from the project team, as well as opportunities to ask questions and share your feedback
- Review our Prime Agricultural Mapping Process Overview, our Example of the Agricultural Mapping Process and our PDF maps of the proposed agricultural mapping in the Documents tab
- Share your feedback regarding the proposed mapping and policy updates with our Land Use Planning team by emailing
What is agricultural mapping?
Northumberland County is known for having a thriving agricultural community and high-quality farmland, with over 31% of land in the County currently designated as protected agricultural land.
As part of the Northumberland Next initiative, Northumberland County is reviewing and updating mapping and policies in the County's Official Plan to ensure this vital system of agricultural land remains protected for future generations.
This amendment will result in updates to the Northumberland County Official Plan, including mapping and policy updates that will increase the amount of protected agricultural land in Northumberland, and will support the collective well-being of the agriculture economy by:
- Identifying the best areas for agricultural production within Northumberland County
- Preserving our local agricultural land base for food production to meet the province's long-term needs by aligning our local mapping with the Provincial Growth Plan and Agricultural Land Base for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
- Introducing/updating land use policies to ensure agricultural uses can continue, now and into the future
What is the Agricultural System?
The agricultural system is a defined term in the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) which provides policy direction to municipalities across the province. The province has developed a methodology for identifying and classifying lands as part of an agricultural system to ensure consistency, clarity, and standardization across the province.
The Provincial Policy Statement (2020) defines the Agricultural System as a system comprised of a group of inter-connected elements that collectively create a viable, thriving agricultural sector. It has two components:
- An agricultural land base comprised of prime agricultural areas, including specialty crop areas, and rural lands that together create a continuous productive land base for agriculture; and
- An agri-food network which includes infrastructure, services, and assets important to the viability of the agri-food sector.
Planning authorities are encouraged to use an agricultural system approach to maintain and enhance the geographic continuity of the agricultural land base and the functional and economic connections to the agri-food network.
What is the Growth Plan?
The Growth Plan is a provincial mapping system released in 2018, that includes a continuous and productive land base comprised of prime agricultural areas, including specialty crop areas and rural lands, as well as a complementary agri-food network that together enable the agri-food sector to thrive.
This plan is provided by the province with the intent to implement the recommended updates in the County's Official Plan; however, before the provincial mapping is implemented, the province allows an opportunity to refine the suggested mapping during a Municipal Comprehensive Review.
How does the County review mapping updates?
One of the components of the County's Municipal Comprehensive Review is a review of the location of the prime agricultural area in the County. According to the Provincial Growth Plan, prime agricultural areas are areas where Class 1, 2 and 3 prime agricultural lands predominate and includes associated Class 4 through 7 lands, and additional areas where there is a local concentration of farms that exhibit characteristics of ongoing agriculture.
The County's Official Plan identifies current prime agricultural areas, using areas defined in our local municipal Official Plans. Project consultants have developed mapping that compares the provincial and County's Official Plan mapping of prime agricultural areas and have determined that a considerable amount of additional land throughout the County has been identified as being within a prime agricultural area by the province.
Soil review
DBH Soil Services Inc. completed a review of the provincial agricultural land mapping. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping was received from the province and County, which included soils data, municipal boundaries, road networks, Official Plan land designations, etc. DBH Soil Services Inc. determined that some lands require additional review and assessment to determine appropriate soil classifications.
Learn more
For information about the proposed agriculture mapping updates, please visit our in-person open houses or view the PDF maps available in the Documents tab.
The Provincial Agricultural Land Base maps indicate land areas in Northumberland that are proposed to be designated as 'Prime Agricultural Land' in accordance with the Province's Agricultural Land Base for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, as well as Candidate areas that are proposed by the Province for consideration as 'Prime Agricultural Land' designations.
The Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Maps compare the recommended provincial Agricultural Land Base mapping with the agricultural mapping that is currently implemented in the County's Official Plan.
For more information about how these land designations were determined, please review our Prime Agricultural Mapping Process Overview or review our example of the agricultural mapping process.
Project timelines
Current stage
June/July 2022
- Open houses regarding updates to agriculture mapping and policies in the County Official Plan.
- Launched online review process of proposed mapping and policy updates.
Next steps
Late 2022/Early 2023
- Complete full amendment report and present to the public for feedback.
- Present final recommendations for agriculture mapping and policies to Northumberland County Council for adoption.
- Submit the amendment to the Province for approval and implementation.
News updates
- Upcoming open houses to review agriculture mapping updates to the County Official Plan - June 6, 2022
Supporting documents
Background information
Provincial Agricultural Land Base maps
The Provincial Agricultural Land Base maps indicate land areas in Northumberland that are proposed to be designated as 'Prime Agricultural Land' in accordance with the Province's Agricultural Land Base for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, as well as Candidate areas that are proposed by the Province for consideration as 'Prime Agricultural Land' designations.
- Alnwick/Haldimand Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map
- Brighton Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map
- Cramahe Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map
- Hamilton Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map
- Port Hope Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map
- Trent Hills Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map
Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison maps
The Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Maps compare the recommended provincial Agricultural Land Base mapping with the agricultural mapping that is currently implemented in the County's Official Plan.
- Alnwick/Haldimand Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Map
- Brighton Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Map
- Cramahe Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Map
- Hamilton Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Map
- Port Hope Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Map
- Trent Hills Provincial and County Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison Map
*Please note there is no Agricultural Land Base mapping for Cobourg.
Natural Heritage System (Completed)
Share Natural Heritage System (Completed) on Facebook Share Natural Heritage System (Completed) on Twitter Share Natural Heritage System (Completed) on Linkedin Email Natural Heritage System (Completed) linkAs the first amendment planned for the Northumberland Next Official Plan update, Northumberland County has developed a Natural Heritage System Plan to manage community growth in a way that preserves and enhances our natural environment for future generations. The NHS report was finalized based on multiple rounds of public consultations that took place between 2018-2020, and was endorsed by County Council on July 22, 2020.
Staff have now initiated an Official Plan amendment and are waiting for the Province to approve the amendment before the mapping and policies will be incorporated into the County Official Plan.
What is a Natural Heritage System?
Required by the province, the natural heritage system includes areas such as wetlands, woodlands and watercourses that have been identified as significant natural features that we must protect and enhance.
The Natural Heritage System Plan will result in updates to the Northumberland County Official Plan policies, including:
- Establishing a new Natural Heritage Area designation that will apply to properties with natural heritage features
- Identification of natural heritage features and areas, as well as supporting features and areas that would be subject to development prohibitions and/or restrictions
- Introduction of new policies affecting development and site alteration in and adjacent to the Natural Heritage System
- Updates to the requirements for environmental studies
Public consultation process
In November 2018, Northumberland County conducted the first round of public consultation sessions to gather input on natural features to be included in Northumberland County's Natural Heritage System Plan.
This input was used to develop three Natural Heritage System options, which were presented to the public for feedback during our second round of public consultation sessions in November and December 2019.
In response to feedback received during these public consultation sessions, the County developed an online interactive map to demonstrate how each of the three options for a Natural Heritage System would be implemented in our community. Public feedback was gathered on the proposed mapping until February 21, 2020.
Project timelines
November 2018 - first round of public consultations
- Northumberland County Headquarters, Cobourg - November 26, 2018
- Cramahe Township Municipal Office, Colborne - November 28, 2018
- Clock Tower Cultural Centre, Campbellford - November 29, 2018
November/December 2019 - second round of public consultations
- Cramahe Township Municipal Office, Colborne - November 21, 2019
- Northumberland County Headquarters, Cobourg - December 2, 2019
- Clock Tower Cultural Centre, Campbellford - December 3, 2019
January/February 2020
- Interactive map and online form for gathering public input
July 2020
- Completed final report
Spring/Summer 2020
- Present the preferred Natural Heritage System option to Northumberland County Council on July 22, 2020
March 2021
- Initiate update and arrange for a public meeting to incorporate the preferred Natural heritage System mapping and policies into the County Official Plan update
December 2021
- County Council adopted the Natural Heritage System amendment and the amendment was sent to the Province for approval
Next steps
- Implement the Natural Heritage System mapping and policies upon approval from the Province
News updates
- Notice of Adoption: Amendment No. 1 to the Northumberland County Official Plan - December 20, 2021
- Council adopts Natural Heritage System amendment to County Official Plan - December 15, 2021
- Official Plan update moves forward with Natural Heritage System and Growth Management amendments - November 26, 2021
- Upcoming virtual consultations regarding Natural Heritage System amendments to County Official Plan - March 4, 2021
- County to launch Official Plan review and update at upcoming virtual public meeting - September 17, 2020
- Council to consider preferred option for Natural Heritage System Plan at July 22 meeting - July 17, 2020
- County introduces interactive map to demonstrate three options for a Natural Heritage System - January 28, 2020
- Second round of public information sessions planned about Natural Heritage System - November 5, 2019
Supporting documents
- Natural Heritage System Final Recommendations
- Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan for Northumberland County
- Schedule A-1: Settlement Structure and Natural Heritage System
- Schedule A-2: Land Use Designations
- Schedule B-1: Natural Heritage Area Components
- Schedule B-2: Natural Heritage Features and Areas
- To receive a digital copy of the final report, background report, or draft rationale/criteria/options report, please submit a request using our Document Request Form.
Follow Project
Who's Listening
Director of Economic Development, Planning and Strategic Initiatives
Northumberland County
Public Meetings
Tentative Dates
January 2020 → December 2021
January 2021 → December 2024
June 2022 → December 2024
- Current Northumberland County Official Plan (2016)
- Growth Management Amendment Files
Growth Management Amendment Maps (Schedules X1 to X30)
- Schedule X1: Port Hope (West) lands to be designated Urban Area (2.14 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X2: Port Hope (North) lands to be removed from Major Employment Area (2.15 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X3: Port Hope (North) lands to be designated Urban Area (2.86 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X4: Port Hope (North) lands to be added to Major Employment Area (2.85 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X5: Campbellford lands to be designated Urban and Rural Areas (4.81 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X6: Hastings lands to be designated Urban and Rural Areas (4.36 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X7: Trent Hills (Trent River) lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area and Rural Area (3.5 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X8: Trent Hills (Crowe River) lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area or Rural Area (3.31 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X9: Warkworth and Norham lands to be designated Rural Settlement, Rural and Agricultural Areas (4.21 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X10: Baltimore lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (3.76 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X11: Hamilton lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (5.14 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X12: Precious Corners lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (3.69 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X13: Camborne lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (3.61 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X14: Harwood lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area (3.79 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X15: Campbellcroft lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Agricultural Areas (2.71 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X16: Osaca lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area (2.98 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X17: Welcome lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Agricultural Area (2.77 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X18: Orland lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area (3.26 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X19: Hilton lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Agricultural Areas (3.61 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X20: Smithfield lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (3.4 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X21: Codrington lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Agricultural Areas (2.47 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X22: Eddystone lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Agricultural Areas (2.67 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X23: Vernonville lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (1.94 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X24: Lakeport lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Agricultural Areas (3.11 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X25: Wicklow lands to be designated Rural Settlement, Rural, and Agricultural Areas (2.56 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X26: Roseneath lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (2.7 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X27: Grafton lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (3.81 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X28: Dundonald lands to be designated Rural Settlement and Rural Areas (2.8 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X29: Salem lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area (3 MB) (pdf)
- Schedule X30: Castleton lands to be designated Rural Settlement Area (4.36 MB) (pdf)
Agricultural Mapping
- Northumberland County Prime Agricultural Mapping Process (283 KB) (pdf)
- Example of Agricultural Mapping Process (600 KB) (pdf)
- Alnwick/Haldimand Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map (978 KB) (pdf)
- Alnwick/Haldimand Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison (1.13 MB) (pdf)
- Brighton Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map (692 KB) (pdf)
- Brighton Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison (1.14 MB) (pdf)
- Cramahe Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map (620 KB) (pdf)
- Cramahe Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison (788 KB) (pdf)
- Hamilton Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map (714 KB) (pdf)
- Hamilton Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison (369 KB) (pdf)
- Port Hope Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map (487 KB) (pdf)
- Port Hope Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison (539 KB) (pdf)
- Trent Hills Provincial Agricultural Land Base Map (514 KB) (pdf)
- Trent Hills Prime Agricultural Land Base Comparison (1.13 MB) (pdf)
- Natural Heritage System Amendment Files
- Natural Heritage System Amendment PDF maps