Direction for Community Strategic Plan to be presented in August

After extensive community consultation, the proposed vision, pillars, goals and actions for the Northumberland County 2023-2027 Community Strategic Plan will be presented to the Economic Development, Tourism, and Land Use Planning Standing Committee on Wednesday, August 2nd and to County Council at the regular meeting of Council on Wednesday, August 16th.

The proposed Community Strategic Plan will provide a guiding framework as the County navigates a period of transformation change related to growth and development, economic renewal, climate change, community health and well-being and changing government services and accountabilities. The plan will set clear priorities and actions for the next four years, to set us on a path to achieve a shared community-driven vision for the future of Northumberland.

During the consultation process, we sought feedback from this vision, which would act as the Principal Direction for this strategic plan. Based on a consolidation of this feedback, the following vision emerged:

“Northumberland is recognized as a vibrant and connected twenty-first century county. We embrace innovation, respect our natural environment, celebrate diversity, and care for one another. Together, we are shaping an inclusive, prosperous, and thriving community for all.”

Five strategic pillars were identified to provide a framework to direct planning and decision-making in alignment with this vision. The five distinct, yet collaborative, strategic pillars include:

  • Innovate for Service Excellence
  • Ignite Economic Opportunity
  • Foster a Thriving Community
  • Propel Sustainable Growth
  • Champion a Vibrant Future

40 actions tied to these pillars have been identified based on broad input and consideration. These actions are available to review in the full report attached to the meeting agenda.

Pending approval of this proposed direction, the final 2023-2027 Community Strategic Plan will be shared at the September meeting of County Council on Wednesday, September 20th.

To view the full report, visit

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Consultation has concluded

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