Plumbing & Septic Inspection Fee Changes
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Consultation has concluded
Northumberland County is considering changes to plumbing and septic system inspection fees.
We hosted a public meeting to present the proposed changes and gather feedback for consideration in the development of the final fee structure during the Economic Development, Tourism, Land Use Planning Committee meeting on October 2, 2024.
The public engagement objectives for this project:
- Inform Northumberland County residents of the proposed changes to plumbing and septic system inspection fees, in alignment with Section 7(6) of the Building Code Act.
- Get feedback on the proposed changes to help inform the final fee structure to be implemented into the County's Fees and Charges By-Law later this year.
Join In the conversation
- Review the full report in the October 2nd Economic Development, Tourism, Land Use Planning Committee meeting agenda
- Residents were invited to attend our public meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd to learn more about the proposed fee changes and/or to make a delegation to Committee to provide feedback. Those who were unable to attend were invited to share their feedback by email until October 18, 2024.
Project now completed
- Feedback received during the consultation period was used to help inform the final fee structure.
- The plumbing and septic inspections fee structure was incorporated into the County's broader 'Fees & Charges By-Law'. This By-Law, updated annually, was presented to the Finance and Audit Committee for consideration on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
- County Council adopted the updated Fees and Charges By-Law on February 19, 2025. The new fees for plumbing and septic inspections will take effect on March 1, 2025.