Asset Management Survey

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Consultation has concluded

Northumberland County is continuing to strengthen our Asset Management Plan to support strategic, evidence-based decisions about investments in local infrastructure and ensure sustainable service delivery over the long-term.

Northumberland County is responsible for assets across the County that have a value of more than $887 million, including, but not limited to:

  • 498 kilometres of County roads
  • 45 bridges
  • 68 culverts that span greater than 3 metres
  • 20 retaining walls
  • Storm Sewers

Through a Dedicated Infrastructure Levy, introduced in 2016, Northumberland County has increased investments dedicated to maintaining this complex infrastructure. Despite these increasing investments, financing required to meet service level standards continues to outpace available funds.

This infrastructure deficit is a challenge common to municipalities across Ontario.

Well-planned and well-maintained infrastructure is critical to municipal service delivery and a thriving community. To ensure investments in local infrastructure are prioritized and managed in a financially sustainable manner, Northumberland County began developing a formal asset management system in 2015 and Council approved an Asset Management Plan for core assets (roads, bridges, culverts that span greater than 3m and storm sewers) in June 2022. Asset management planning helps municipalities make strategic, evidence-based decisions about infrastructure investments.

A comprehensive asset management plan for all infrastructure assets is currently being developed aligned with direction from the Province that all municipalities have an approved asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure assets that identify current levels of service and the cost of maintaining those levels of service by July 1, 2024.

As part of this process, the County is seeking community input through a survey on current levels of service for County assets such as County roads, bridges, culverts, retaining walls, storm sewers, traffic lights, signage, streetlights, corporate buildings, and the Northumberland County Forest, along with expectations for future maintenance and renewal. This input will help us to determine how best to prioritize limited infrastructure funding to create a sustainable service delivery framework for County assets going forward.

The public engagement objective for the Asset Management Plan is to:

  • Gather input from residents on current levels of service for all County assets.

Join In the conversation

  • Complete our survey by November 3, 2023 [survey concluded]

Northumberland County is continuing to strengthen our Asset Management Plan to support strategic, evidence-based decisions about investments in local infrastructure and ensure sustainable service delivery over the long-term.

Northumberland County is responsible for assets across the County that have a value of more than $887 million, including, but not limited to:

  • 498 kilometres of County roads
  • 45 bridges
  • 68 culverts that span greater than 3 metres
  • 20 retaining walls
  • Storm Sewers

Through a Dedicated Infrastructure Levy, introduced in 2016, Northumberland County has increased investments dedicated to maintaining this complex infrastructure. Despite these increasing investments, financing required to meet service level standards continues to outpace available funds.

This infrastructure deficit is a challenge common to municipalities across Ontario.

Well-planned and well-maintained infrastructure is critical to municipal service delivery and a thriving community. To ensure investments in local infrastructure are prioritized and managed in a financially sustainable manner, Northumberland County began developing a formal asset management system in 2015 and Council approved an Asset Management Plan for core assets (roads, bridges, culverts that span greater than 3m and storm sewers) in June 2022. Asset management planning helps municipalities make strategic, evidence-based decisions about infrastructure investments.

A comprehensive asset management plan for all infrastructure assets is currently being developed aligned with direction from the Province that all municipalities have an approved asset management plan for all municipal infrastructure assets that identify current levels of service and the cost of maintaining those levels of service by July 1, 2024.

As part of this process, the County is seeking community input through a survey on current levels of service for County assets such as County roads, bridges, culverts, retaining walls, storm sewers, traffic lights, signage, streetlights, corporate buildings, and the Northumberland County Forest, along with expectations for future maintenance and renewal. This input will help us to determine how best to prioritize limited infrastructure funding to create a sustainable service delivery framework for County assets going forward.

The public engagement objective for the Asset Management Plan is to:

  • Gather input from residents on current levels of service for all County assets.

Join In the conversation

  • Complete our survey by November 3, 2023 [survey concluded]
Consultation has concluded
  • Take our Levels of Service Survey

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    We are seeking your feedback on current levels of service for County assets such as County roads, bridges, culverts, retaining walls, storm sewers, traffic lights, signage, streetlights, cooperate buildings, and the Northumberland County Forest, along with expectations for future maintenance and renewal. This input will help us to determine how best to prioritize limited infrastructure funding to create a sustainable service delivery framework for County assets going forward.

    Complete our survey by November 3, 2023.